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NEPMA Mark Weintraub Scholarship

About the Award: Each year NEPMA awards a $3,000 scholarship in honor of Mark Weintraub. This scholarship was started and first funded by Rod Kreimeyer in 1994. Rod named the scholarship in honor of Mark Weintraub of Astor Terminix who was a founding member of NEPMA and Rod’s employer and mentor. This scholarship is awarded to the student connected to an NEPMA member who best exemplifies the spirit carried forward by Mark Weintraub.

Applications are due annually on February 1st. Share this .doc application with all the students linked to your company!
Any employee or family member of an NEPMA member company is eligible. Contact with any questions.

The judging process is double-blind. All nominations are stripped of any identifying information (name, location, company affiliation, etc.) and put into a scoring sheet. Judges score the nominations based on the following criteria and weights:

  • Up to 250 word essay on “What the pest control industry means to me” 30%
  • Up to 250 word essay on “My plans for the future” 50%
  • Job History 10%
  • Community Service & Awards 10%

The NEPMA Mark Weintraub Scholarship is presented at the annual Spring Training in March.

The $3,000 check is made directly to the school in the spring semester.

The 2024 scholarship recipients are Gianna Missiti and Olivia Grenham.

Past Recipients

2024 Gianna Missiti Suffolk University
2024 Olivia Grenham Curry College
2023 Julivette Gibbs Bay Path University
2022 Nick Spigler Washington College
2021 Madelyn Padellaro Merrimack College
2020 Casey Sheehan Merrimack College
2019 Timmarie Gallagher


If you would like to support these programs please consider making a donation to New England PWIPM or the Mark Weintraub Scholarship Fund. Contact for more information.