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Bartlett W. Eldredge Award Recipient

Galvin Murphy, Jr.

The Bartlett W. Eldredge Award is NEPMA’s highest award. It recognizes an individual who has made a long-term commitment to the betterment of the pest control industry

 in New England. The recipients of this award exemplify strong service to the industry, a commitment to community service, and an overall acknowledgment by his/her peers within the industry.

Galvin brings nearly 30 years of experience in the pest management industry, known for his dedication to innovation and best practices. At NEPMA, he served on committees, the executive board, and as president, leading initiatives like modernizing the website, expanding training, and transitioning to a new management company. He also introduced creative fundraising events, ensuring inclusivity for smaller companies and vendors.

Nationally, Galvin has represented New England with NPMA, participated in the Executive Leadership Program, and co-founded the Veterans Committee, earning the Veteran of the Year Award. A proud U.S. Marine who served in Iraq, he continues to support veterans through fundraising, pro bono services, and housing improvements. Locally, Galvin gives back through charity events, including efforts with “Bread for Life.”

Pictures from the Annual Dinner Meeting!