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NEPMA ACE Review Course & Exam

February 3 & 4, 2020
Crowne Plaza, Woburn, MA

Do you have 5 years or more professional experience in pest management? Here’s a great way to add another valuable certification to your professional credentials and to help boost your marketability to both new and existing clients.

Click here or the image to the right to
learn more about the
Associate Certified Entomologist

Helpful Links

Click here to learn more about NEPMA’s ACE Review Course & Exam
Click here to register for NEPMA’s ACE Review Course & Exam

Mark Your Calendar!

* Recertification Credits Available

Exhibitors: to ensure you receive notifications about our events, update your profile and check off “NEPMA Meetings” at



In a Pinch?
The pest management industry is essential and so is continuing education. NEPMA members receive the member rate for online courses in NPMA’s Online Learning Center. To see what credits are available in your state, click here.
Multi-ethnic team of repairmen arrive at customer's front door to make requested home repairs. Female customer opens door to greet team. Men wear blue uniforms and carry equipment.

MA Pesticide Applicator Core Exam Coaching Program

NEPMA offers an intensive coaching program designed to assist you as you prepare your pest control professionals to take the MA CORE Exam.  Four programs are scheduled for this spring all given close to expected Core exam dates. We know how important it is for you as an employer to make sure that your employees are well-prepared to take the exam and earn their Core license. This program is designed to supplement your in-house own exam prep training.


man drilling ground

WDI Training Program

Wood Destroying Insect Inspection Training and Registration Program

Dr. George Rambo, president of GR Consulting in Woodbridge, VA is the lead presenter of this 1.5 day program. In addition he has developed and written the manual for this program. Attendees who pass the exam get listed on the NEPMA WDI Registry.

WDI Re-certification Program

To remain on the registry, each person must attend a 1/2 day update training every 3 years. Our re-certification program is usually held each year in early December.


exterminator in kitchen

Join Us

Attendees join other industry professionals for technical education from national and regional industry speakers. In doing so, they earn valuable CEUs. Attendees also hear about innovative insights, benefit from industry networking and have the chance to learn about the latest products and services.

Each training program has an exposition hall where industry suppliers are invited to purchase a table top to promote their products and services. There are additional opportunities for these companies to promote their products and services by purchasing ads in the program book as well as sponsoring our national speakers.



If you are interested in one of our events, e-mail and we’ll let you know when registration is available.

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