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NEPMA Member Login

NEPMA membership is at the company level, so the benefits of membership are extended to every employee of the member company. For pest control companies, NEPMA and NPMA have a joint relationship–you fill out one form to join both associations and get a 25% discount on the NPMA portion of the dues.

You can be involved at any level–we encourage you to do all three!


Defend the Industry

  • Become a member company of NEPMA and NPMA! NPMA estimates that 6% of your total NPMA dues are allocated to NPMA lobbying activities and NEPMA estimates that 70% of your total NEPMA dues are allocated to NEPMA lobbying activities. Simply joining and renewing your membership supports our industry. In addition, members receive a monthly newsletter that always contains a section on public policy efforts.
  • When you receive a “VoterVoice” email, we need your help. Simply fill in a few fields to send our messaging to your representatives. Please forward these around.
    E-mail to make sure we have your e-mail address, company name, and street address so that you receive our Voter Voice communications. We send these to everyone we know, regardless of membership in the association.
  • Join the New England delegation at NPMA’s Legislative Day event which takes place each March.
  • Donate to the MA PAC

Give Back

  • NEPMA continues to thrive because of our volunteer leaders. If you want to to leave a legacy and deepen your industry connections, consider serving on a committee or the Board. Opportunities available through both NEPMA and NPMA

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