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Vendor of the Year Award

About the Award: The NEPMA Vendor of the Year Award recognizes an individual who has helped member companies grow and is a supporter of the Association.

Nominations are due February 1. Nominate a deserving candidate today!
You may nominate more than one person, but please submit a separate survey for each. Contact with any questions.

The recipient of this award will be well known to many. The Board of Directors scores the nominations and selects one recipient. Unlike other NEPMA awards, this is not a double-blind process. That said, Board members score nominations using the following weights:

  • NEPMA Allied Member: 25%
  • Area Serviced: 5%
  • Service to Company: 10%
  • Service to the Industry: 50%
  • Overall Impression: 10%

The Vendor of the Year Award is presented at the Annual Awards Dinner held in conjunction with Spring Training in March.

The winner will receive a clock award and industry recognition.

The 2023 Vendor of the Year is Karen Boniface from BASF

Past Recipients

2024 Steven Goscinsky, Ensystex
2023 Karen Boniface, BASF
2022 Molly Moran, Forshaw
2021 Nate Jarry, Team Nissan
2020 Pat Ryan, Pesticide Distribution & Marketing
2019 Richard Spigler, FMC
2018 Scott Posocco, Nisus
2017 Bob Bayer, Forshaw
2016 Kelley Altland, Bell Laboratories
2015 no award
2014 no award
2013 no award
2012 John Sheehy, Transworld Systems
2011 John Murphy, Liphatech
2010 Shawn Mullen, Bayer Environmental Science
2009 Frank McDonald, Select Insurance
2008 Kevin Moran, Residex
2007 Jeff O’Neill, Zoecon
2006 Sheila Haddad, Bell Laboratories
2005 George Williams, Univar

If you would like to support these programs please consider making a donation to New England PWIPM or the Mark Weintraub Scholarship Fund. Contact for more information or donate to the scholarship fund online here.

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