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New England Women of Excellence Award

About the Award: The regional honor is open to women across the pest management industry – PMP’s, manufacturers, research organizations, etc. who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and have made notable contributions to the development and growth of the profession and their companies. Nominees may be nominated by more than one person. Nominees should reside and/or work in at least one of the New England States: Connecticut, Maine Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, or Vermont.

Nominations are due annually on February 1st. NEPMA Women of Excellence Nomination Form
You may nominate more than one person, but please submit a separate survey for each. Contact with any questions.

The winner will receive:

  •  A plaque
  • $100 gift card
  • Recognition in industry magazines/media

The judging process is double-blind. All nominations are stripped of any identifying information (name, location, company affiliation, etc.) and put into a scoring sheet. Judges score the nominations based on the following criteria and weights:

  • Service to industry: 50%
  • Service to company: 25%
  • Service to the community and other women: 25%

The New England Women of Excellence Award is presented at the Annual Awards Dinner in March, in conjunction with Spring Training.

The 2023 Women of Excellence Award recipient is Kelley Altland

Past Recipients

2024 Leigh Fryxell, Anticimex
2023 Kelley Altland, Bell Labs
2022 Hope Bowman, Waltham Pest Services
2021 Courtney Carace, Pest-End Exterminators
2020 Julie Heincelman, JP Pest Services

If you would like to support these programs please consider making a donation to New England PWIPM or the Mark Weintraub Scholarship Fund. Contact for more information or donate to the scholarship fund online here.