MA Core Exam Coaching
Massachusetts Pesticide Applicator
Core Exam Coaching Program
March 27-28, 2024
Led by Richard Berman, former technical director for Waltham Services where he worked for 44 years and Mike Bordeau. Current pest industry consultant & trainer.
Note: attendees are responsible for obtaining the study materials in advance of the training and having them on-hand the day-of. See below for details.
About the Course: NEPMA offers an intensive coaching program designed to assist you as you prepare your pest control professionals to take the MA CORE Exam. We know how important it is for you as an employer to make sure that your employees are well-prepared to take the exam and earn their Core license. This program is designed to supplement your in-house exam prep training.
If you have people taking certification exams or upgrading from licensure consider our core review session. Category exams, whether 37 (turf), 36 (shade tree & ornamentals) 41 (general pest), 43 (termite), or 44 (vertebrate) or private certification (categories 24-31) include a significant amount of core exam material, approaching 50% and more of the certification category exams. While the core review session doesn’t include category specific discussion, individuals who have held licenses for years, having taken the core exam well in the past may find the core review session helpful in preparing for their category exam.
The course will describe the computer based exam process and review key rules and regulations likely encountered on the exam. The Core Manual will be reviewed, pointing out important information. IPM and reading & interpreting labels will be featured as lots of exam questions cover these two topics.
While our program cannot guarantee participants will pass the exam, it is intended to offer pointers and tips to help exam takers better position themselves to take the exam and successfully complete the testing process.
“This is great, thank you! Your class really did help. I probably wouldn’t have passed without it. Thanks again!”
“Your class prepared me very well, you were spot on with what to spend time studying. Everything you pretty much covered was on the test. I did just what you said about the label questions and I got all those correct because I had plenty of time.”
“The class was great. I’m am not a classroom learning person, but you make it interesting. The material was presented well and accurate. Definitely stick with the label questions. There are also a lot of IPM questions.”
Study Materials and How to Obtain Them
Exam study and preparation should be in process before our sessions. This session is based on the premise and assumption attendees will be familiar to some degree or another with the content of the study materials. This program is designed and intended to support your continuing exam preparation.
- Core Manual (3rd Ed.) with MA Core Supplement (2014) This key document is only available for purchase ($51 plus postage) directly from UMass Extension Agency. Click here for the order form or call the UMass Extension Bookstore at 413-545-5537. You should order this document as soon as possible!
- Chapter 132B (MA Pesticide Control Act) This is the pesticide law and includes the amendments referred to as The Children & Families Protection Act (Sections C-6K) Click here to download this document or it can be ordered from the UMass Extension Bookstore.
- 333CMR (Code of MA Regulations) These are the pesticide rules and regulations, including the school pesticide use regulations (333CMR 14.00) Click here to download this document or it can be ordered from the UMass Extension Bookstore.
If you are interested in one of our events, e-mail, and we’ll let you know when registration is available.