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NEPMA Member Login


NEPMA is committed to encouraging its membership to embrace diversity and inclusion as an integral part of nurturing winning workplace cultures throughout our industry. As part of this commitment, we encourage diverse representation on our board of directors and volunteer committees to ensure a broad range of voices are part of the organization’s strategic leadership and decision-making process.

 NEPMA is governed by these Bylaws

The current leadership is listed at 

Interested in serving, but want to learn more? Review the roles and responsibilities of each position on below and reach out to to get added to our monthly meetings!


The Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing NEPMA’s mission and fulfillment of the organization’s goals and purposes.  Its duties include making policy decisions, determining fiduciary policies and practices and overseeing the association’s financial health, and establishing and monitoring the execution of strategic initiatives. Members must be willing to attend the requisite meetings, follow through on commitments, and participate fully in the decision-making process. The Board also presents the organization’s image and objectives to the industry and solicits its support in achieving NEPMA’s goals.

Responsibilities and duties are outlined below for the board of directors. Directors should plan on participating in the following meetings/programs as part of their duty to the association:

  • Scheduled conference call/webinars as needed
  • Board of Directors Orientation (1:1 via Zoom with Executive Director at the beginning of your service)
  • Board of Directors Meetings September-April, the first Wednesday of the month 3-5pm on Zoom
  • Long Range Planning Meeting one afternoon in August
  • Participate/attend the association’s events
    • Virtual Fall Training in November
    • Annual Dinner & Membership Meeting in December
    • Spring Training in March

General Responsibilities                                                                                                                          


  • Annually review and approve the association’s budget (Spring).
  • Ensure that the Board is adequately informed of the financial condition of the organization and its operations through reports or other appropriate methods.
  • Ensure that management has established appropriate policies to define and identify conflicts of interest throughout the organization and is diligent in its administration and enforcement of those policies.
  • Ensure the association’s financial practices are appropriate.
  • Review compliance with relevant laws affecting the organization and its programs and operations.


  • Act on behalf of the organization and its interests, putting aside personal concerns, affiliations, or constituencies.
  • Set procedures and policies to ensure that any affiliate is organized and administered in a manner that is in compliance with applicable law.
  • Accept and abide by the legal and fiscal responsibilities of the Board as specified by organizational charter, bylaws, state statutes and regulations, and policies.
  • Comply with the conflict-of-interest policy and disclosure, confidentiality and Antitrust policies developed by the Board.


  • Promote NEPMA’s mission, generating good will for the organization on a regular basis.


  • Hire the Association Management Company.

Specific Responsibilities

  • Attend and be active in the meetings of the Board held each year, unless extenuating circumstances present themselves and meeting participation is excused.  It is also expected that members of the Board will make the necessary time for occasional conference call meetings of the Board as well. NEPMA does not cover the cost of registration or attendance.
  • Be active in at least one NEPMA committee.
  • Promote the value and merits of NEPMA regularly, particularly to non-members. Members of the Board are encouraged to recruit at least one new member annually.
  • Participate in electronic voting issues presented to the Board in a timely manner.
  • Represent NEPMA at at least one industry event during the year (i.e. – state association meeting, allied business group, etc.).
  • Vote according to one’s individual conviction; challenge the judgment of others when necessary, yet to be willing to support the decision of the Board and work with fellow Board members in a spirit of cooperation; recognize that the President alone speaks for the Board.
  • Maintain the confidential nature of Board deliberations and avoid acting as spokesperson for the entire Board unless specifically authorized to do so.
  • Understand the role of the Board as a policy-making body and avoid participation in administration policy.
  • Refrain from actions and involvement that might prove embarrassing to the organization and resign if such actions or involvement develops.
  • Make judgments always on the basis of what is best for the organization as a whole.
  • Advocate for and provide financial support for NEPMA and its related entities, where possible.  All members of the Board are encouraged, but not required, to make personal contributions to NEPMA’s Political Action Committee and encourage their companies to support the NEPMA Scholarship Fund and QualityPro.  Directors who represent Allied Member companies are asked to encourage their companies’ support of sponsorship, advertising, and exhibiting in NEPMA programs and publications.
  • Perform new member orientation calls



All officers of the association serve as members of the Executive Committee and perform duties incident to their positions as may be required by law, by the articles of incorporation, or by the bylaws, or which may be assigned to them from time to time by the Board.

Responsibilities and duties are outlined below for each officer. Officers should plan on participating in the meetings described above in the Director’s section.



The President holds office for a term of two years, beginning on January 1st immediately following the completion of his/her term as President-elect.

  • Policy and Planning: Works with the Executive Director and the Board to establish and follow the guiding principles, policies, goals, and mission for the organization.
  • Budget and Finances: Works with the Treasurer and the Executive Director to oversee the budget of the organization and assumes ultimate responsibility for the integrity of its finances. Works with the Financial Review Committee which meets twice a year.
  • Meetings: Leads and facilitates Board meetings by making sure that the agenda is closely followed, every Board member has the opportunity to participate in discussions, and the Board uses proper decision-making procedures following Robert’s Rules of Order. Leads and facilitates meetings of the Executive Committee and the annual membership meeting. The President will not vote on any matter as a Designated Representative of an Active Member Company unless a tie exists. In the case of a tie on a vote on any matter the President will cast a vote to break the tie.
  • Board/Committees: Serves as an ad hoc member of all committees and works to ensure committee system contributes to the Board’s overall effectiveness. Appoints volunteers to key leadership positions, including chairs and members of committees and reviews the Committee charges annually.
  • Board Development: Oversees efforts to build and maintain a strong Board by setting goals and expectations for the Board, cultivating leadership among individual Board members, and working with the Nominating Committee to make board development a priority. Ensures new members of the Board have access to necessary training and on-boarding support.
  • Board Evaluation: Ensures the Board has opportunities to reflect regularly on how well it is meeting its responsibilities to the organization.
  • Association Management Company Oversight, Compensation, and Evaluation: Oversees the management contract for the Association Management Company.
  • Public Relations and Communications: Speaks for the Board in the event of a controversy or crisis; oversees the development of communications policies; and promotes the work of the organization in conversations, speeches, interviews, and other routine activities. Writes periodically for the “From the President” sections of NEPMA publications. Speak to members through web videos online, messaging and timing coordinated with staff. And the association provides the President with a budget to be used to travel to industry meetings, NPMA hosted and non-NPMA, representing the association by advocating member benefits and role of the association as leaders of the industry.



The President-elect automatically succeeds to the presidency for the proceeding term. The President-elect office is for a term of two years beginning on January 1st immediately his or her election.

  • Prepares to assume the office of the President.
  • Presides over Board meetings, annual meeting of the membership, or other such meetings in the absence of the President.
  • Fills the office of President should that office become vacant.
  • Assists the President in the execution of his or her duties.
  • Serves on committees deemed appropriate.
  • Appoints volunteers to key leadership positions, including chairs and members of committees, for terms effective during his or her presidency. 
  • Reads two books to prepare for presidency:
    • The Governing Board
    • Enhancing Committee Effectiveness
  • Performs any other duties as assigned by the President.



The Treasurer office is for a term of two years beginning on January 1st  immediately following his or her election.

  • Works with the Executive Director to maintain a strong financial position.
  • The Treasurer shall have check signing authority and shall make such disbursements as may be approved by the Board, provided that the Treasurer may designate the Executive Director to carry out the duties.
  • Reviews financial reports, compares expenses with budgets and income, and works with staff to address any areas of concern.
  • Assists Board members and committee chairs with appropriate financial matters.
  • Works with staff and Executive Committee in the development and presentation of a budget.
  • Serves on the Financial Review Committee.
  • Works with the Executive Director and members of the Financial Review Committee to develop and monitor adherence to long-term financial strategies.
  • Ensures that accurate books and records on financial condition are maintained and presents information on such to members of the Board and to the membership.
  • Ensures that the assets are protected and invested according to organization policy.
  • Reviews and approved expenditures of the Executive Director.
  • Ensures that NEPMA complies with organizational and statutory reporting requirements.
  • Presides over Board or annual membership meetings in the absence of the President and President-elect.
  • Performs all duties incident to the office of the Treasurer.



The Clerk serves for a term of two years beginning January 1st immediately following his/her election. 

  • Ensures minutes of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors, and the annual membership meeting are recorded and distributed as appropriate.
  • Declares a quorum for meetings of the Board of Directors and the annual membership meeting.
  • Calls for approval of consent agenda for meetings of the Board of Directors and the annual membership meeting.
  • Ensures that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of the bylaws or as required by law.
  • Collects and casts proxies on behalf of members unable to attend the annual membership meeting.
  • Serves as the custodian of the records and of the seal of the organization and affixes the seal, as authorized by law or the provisions of the bylaws, to duly executed documents of the organization.  These responsibilities may be assigned.
  • Serves as a member of the Financial Review Committee.
  • Ensure that appropriate policies are personally understood and reinforced at any/all meetings (in person/teleconference), including confidentiality, conflict of interest and Antitrust



Past President remains a member of the Executive Board for two years following his/her presidential term. The Past President shall be available for counsel and perform such duties as requested by the President or directed by the Board.




In partnership with the Executive Director, chairs should:

  • Work with the committee to set annual goals that ensure committee activities are in alignment with the charge of the committee.
  • Set the agenda for each meeting of the committee.
  • Pay attention to association activities and external factors that affect or are affected by the committee’s work. Be familiar with recent discussions to ensure committee work is in alignment with strategic direction of the association.
  • Facilitate committee meeting, with an understanding of and general adherence to Robert’s Rules of Order. In addition to virtual meetings and e-mail, in-person meetings may include, but are not limited to:
    • Annual Dinner & Membership Meeting (December)
    • Spring Training (March)
  • Understand role of leadership during committee meetings. Ensure committee members are fully-engaged in discussions and able to express objective opinions on matters. Allow for others to participate, particularly when vote is required. Votes only in the case of a tie.
  • Attends the annual Long Range Planning Meeting (August).
  • Attend NEPMA Board Meetings and provide an update on committee activity to the Board at each meeting.


  • Prepare him/herself to succeed to the Chair position, with guidance from the Chair and committee staff liaison.
  • Fulfill the responsibilities of the Chair at meetings, on projects, etc., when the Chair is unavailable.
  • Attend committee meetings and voice objective opinions on issues. In addition to virtual meetings and e-mail, in-person meetings may include, but are not limited to:
    • Annual Dinner & Membership Meeting (December)
    • Spring Training (March)
  • Pay attention to association activities and external factors that affect or are affected by the committee’s work.
  • Support the efforts of the committee chair and carry out individual assignments made by the chair.
  • Work as part of the committee and staff team to ensure that the committee’s work and recommendations are in keeping with NEPMA’s mission and goals.
  • Invited to all meetings of the Board of Directors.


  • Assist in preparing Chair position, with guidance from Executive Director, for their role, ensuring incoming chair and vice-chair are up-to-date on all committee activities
  • Fulfill the responsibilities of the Chair at meetings, on projects, etc., when the Chair and Vice-Chair are unavailable.
  • Attend committee meetings and voice objective opinions on issues. In addition to virtual meetings and e-mail, in-person meetings may include, but are not limited to:
    • Annual Dinner & Membership Meeting (December)
    • Spring Training (March)
  • Pay attention to association activities and external factors that affect or are affected by the committee’s work.
  • Support the efforts of the committee chair and carry out individual assignments made by the chair.
  • Work as part of the committee and staff team to ensure that the committee’s work and recommendations are in keeping with NEPMA’s mission and goals
  • Invited to all meetings of the Board of Directors


  • Review all relevant material before committee meetings.
  • Attend committee meetings and voice objective opinions on issues. In addition to virtual meetings and e-mail, in-person meetings may include, but are not limited to:
    • Annual Dinner & Membership Meeting (December)
    • Spring Training (March)
  • Pay attention to association activities and external factors that affect or are affected by the committee’s work.
  • Support the efforts of the committee chair and carry out individual assignments made by the chair.
  • Work as part of the committee and staff team to ensure that the committee’s work and recommendations are in keeping with NEPMA’s mission and goals
  • Committee members are invited to all meetings of the Board of Directors